3 simple steps to better manage your waste and better recycle at work

What if you tried to better manage your waste and better recycle in the office? Thanks to a few simple actions and tips you could greatly improve your environmental footprint and that of your company!

All the good habits that you try to put in place when you are at home; you tend to forget them when you arrive at work. And for good reason, you are not alone in the office (and therefore not only responsible). Waste accumulates, recycling is forgotten and it is a shame because with some simple gestures or tips, recycling and better manage your waste in the office can be a breeze. Here are 3 of these tips and tricks that you can easily set up in your business.

Organize an animation on the rules of recycling

Let's start with the basics. In many companies, there are not even specific bins for recycling. So, once the lunch is over, all the garbage goes to the same place: plastic bottles, food waste, cardboard boxes. Then, many citizens do not yet know exactly how to practice recycling, what are the rules and how to respect them easily.

The first thing to do is to have to put in place the basic conditions to allow recycling at work! Here is a simple to-do list to follow:

Install or have specific trash bins installed ("all-in-one" trash bin, trash bin for recyclables, and trash bin for glasses)

Make sure that these bins are well taken care of by the maintenance agents of your company (or your business premises)

To make an animation to train the collaborators to the rules of the sorting.

Clearly show the recycling rules in your trash cans. So, no more excuses: everything is clearly stated. Follow us on: Pinterest

Install a composter or vermin-composter

This is a simple way to manage food waste in the office. Whether you have a company restaurant or a simple canteen, it is possible to install composters to enhance your food waste.

The principle is simple: they are tanks in which some organic waste is stored. Then, depending on the type of composter, you add or not specific worms that will turn this waste into compost, which can then be used to fertilize plants for example. For those who are concerned: when a composter is used correctly, it emits no odor.

The ideal is, however, to use a master composter to install a composter or a vermin-composter with the help of Skip Bins Sydney and educate / train employees. Once installed, all you have to do is fill it up and handle it regularly to get quality compost.

Install specific recycling terminals

Another possibility to improve waste management in the company: to call on service providers to install Skip Bins in specific terminals for the recycling of certain types of waste. Batteries, light bulbs, batteries or cigarette butts, for example, can be processed and valorized in the context of particular sectors. And it is quite possible for companies wishing to participate in the dynamic citizen recycling to install in their premises terminals to facilitate sorting and recycling for their employees. 

Once these terminals are installed, nothing is easier for the employees: it is enough to deposit its waste, which is then recovered by the partner service providers. In addition to recycling waste produced at the workplace, it can also serve as collection points for employees' household waste and thus encourage recycling more easily.


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