
Showing posts from June, 2018

3 simple steps to better manage your waste and better recycle at work

What if you tried to better manage your waste and better recycle in the office? Thanks to a few simple actions and tips you could greatly improve your environmental footprint and that of your company! All the good habits that you try to put in place when you are at home; you tend to forget them when you arrive at work. And for good reason, you are not alone in the office (and therefore not only responsible). Waste accumulates, recycling is forgotten and it is a shame because with some simple gestures or tips, recycling and better manage your waste in the office can be a breeze. Here are 3 of these tips and tricks that you can easily set up in your business. Organize an animation on the rules of recycling Let's start with the basics. In many companies, there are not even specific bins for recycling. So, once the lunch is over, all the garbage goes to the same place: plastic bottles, food waste, cardboard boxes. Then, many citizens do not yet know exactly how